
English Fairy Tales notes on PDF

3/02/2012 Bassima Alansary 1 Comments

     Hello World :)

I am so glad to tell you that Shizu and I have finish reading the delightful book English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, We had fun reading this book and laughed too much about some silly tales, the book was very useful for our English because it is written in old fashioned English style, at first it was hard and difficult but after few tales we had less difficulty with the book. We used to read the book every Monday, I usually make notes for the difficult vocabulary in the tales we are going to read and send them to Shizu, so when we've finished I realised that I've got useful information and I shall share them with the next readers of the book.
     I sorted all the notes in one PDF file, and put the contents on the first page. The file contains notes for these following tales:

Tom Tit Tot Tale

The three sillies Tale

Rose tree Tale

The old woman and her Tale

How jack went to seek his fortune Tale

Mr. Vinegar Tale

Nix Nought Nothing Tale

jack Hannaford

Binnorie Tale

Cap o’ rushes Tale

Teeny-tiny Tale

Jack and the beanstalk Tale

The story of the three pigs

The master and his pupil Tale

Titty mouse and tatty mouse tale

Jack and his golden snuff-box Tale

The story of the three bears tale

Jack the giant killer Tale

Childe Rowland Tale

Molly Whuppie Tale

The history of tom thumb

Mr.fox Tale

Lazy Jack Tale

The strange visitor Tale

Laidly worm of spindleston heugh

     Basically I put the words definition, its type, an example, and a photo for some words. Here is a snapshot for one of the pages:

Click on the picture to see its full size
 Now without any further delay here are the links:

Download The English Fairy Tales Book from HERE.

Download the Notes from HERE.

Alternative link for the notes is HERE.

 I hope you will find these notes helpful while you are reading the book.

Bye for now :) 

Tags: English fairy tales,notes,on PDF file, read,and,enjoy,the book,with better,understanding, for its,vocabulary,we love English,links,are on,google docs,BassimaAlansar

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1 comment:

  1. Mashallah Bassima it is so useful honestly thank you so much.
